final report of the 2024 potato psyllid / Lso monitoring season

This is the final report of the 2024 potato psyllid / Lso monitoring season.

One psyllid from last week’s samples tested positive for Lso, the bacterium associated with zebra chip disease (ZC).

About 4% of all psyllids tested positive for Lso this year compared to about 6% last year and around 1% in most recent years (with the exception of 2022 in which 22% were positive).

It was another interesting year with moderately high Lso incidence, but relatively low overall psyllid captures. Captures were only slightly higher than last year. Thus, the risk of ZC likely was mitigated somewhat by low psyllid captures despite relatively high Lso.

Please remember that our research with Russet Burbank shows that ZC can develop during storage if infection occurs as late as two weeks before vine kill. Please maintain your IPM programs, especially in areas with higher captures of Lso-positive psyllids.

Thanks again to all of our cooperators who helped to deploy and retrieve so very many yellow sticky traps! And thanks to the growers who let us use their fields for this work!

More information on management can be found here:
To view the weekly data by site in the old spreadsheet format: