Psyllid captures still low; no new Lso-positives

  • This week we received traps from 57 of the 58 fields that we are monitoring
  • We captured a total of 30 psyllids across 14 fields. Four of these psyllids were from traps that were in the field for two weeks.
  • Captures were from the following counties: Payette, Canyon, Owyhee, Jerome, and Twin Falls.
  • None of the psyllids collected last week tested positive for Lso.

Psyllid captures ticked up relative to last week but were still relatively low compared to recent years. Thankfully, we found zero Lso-positive psyllids last week. This season’s low overall psyllid captures and moderate Lso incidence (in previous weeks) suggests low to moderate risk for ZC. We still suggest maintaining your IPM programs. Our research has shown that ZC can develop during storage if infection occurs as late as two weeks before vine kill.

Please have your IPM programs in place. More information on management can be found here:

To view the weekly data by site in the old spreadsheet format: